Have you ever bought an insurance policy online without really understanding everything that you were paying for? If so, you’re not alone, and chances are that you were buying directly from a major national provider. While it may seem like you’re saving time and money by “cutting out the middleman” and buying directly, that’s not always the case. In fact, when you buy insurance with an independent agent, you can compare process and coverage options from a wide variety of insurance companies to make sure you’re getting the best deal possible. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of buying insurance locally with our independent agents.
What Are the Biggest Benefits of Working with an Independent Insurance Agency?
Even if you’ve been buying insurance for decades, navigating the process can be quite confusing. Sure, you know that you need to have insurance to meet certain state and city requirements. But finding a policy that has the right level of coverage and one that won’t drain your bank account is often easier said than done. With the guidance of a knowledgeable and experienced independent agent by your side, understanding your coverage options and choosing the right insurance provider is simple. Instead of shopping blindly, you have an advocate that is on your side.
Other great things that an independent agent can do for you include:
- Compare prices and coverage options with dozens – maybe even hundreds – of insurance companies across the country. Rates can vary greatly from one provider to the next, but you wouldn’t know that by checking out just a handful online. Once your local independent agent has a clear understanding of your budget and insurance needs, they can help you narrow down your options to find the right fit.
- When you shop with an independent agent, you have access to a one-stop-shop to handle all of your insurance needs. While you may be looking for a comprehensive auto insurance policy to protect your new car, your independent agent can also help you find the best deals on homeowners insurance, small business coverage, life insurance and more!
- The word “clarity” isn’t one that most people would associate with the insurance industry. But it is your independent agent’s job to understand the industry and communicate the information back to you so that you can make an informed decision about your policy options. Even if you have experience within the industry yourself, insurance is regulated differently from state-to-state, so it’s best to work with a knowledgeable Indiana-based agency.
- You have access to a real, local person. Have a question about your current policy? Interested in adding another driver to your car insurance? Or maybe you want to make sure you’re getting the best price on your homeowner’s insurance coverage. Whatever questions you have, your local independent agent can answer for you. Just give us a call, send us a quick email or stop by the office to talk with a real person!
Contact Luxor Insurance Group Today
Buying insurance isn’t something that you should take lightly. Not only is insurance designed to protect you in the event of an accident or other emergency situations but it can help you to avoid paying out-of-pocket if you’re ever found liable for damages. Don’t get caught without insurance when you need it the most! Call (317) 774-7740 or contact our friendly independent Indiana agents to request a free quote today.